Science Translation for Policy and Practice


The working group focuses on bridging the gap between scientific research and actionable solutions to address planetary health challenges. Its activities include identifying approaches for the conduct of interdisciplinary research to address policy maker needs, exploring frameworks for best practices and the fostering of collaborations between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners. The working group focuses on issues related to translating complex environmental and health data into accessible formats.

It also seeks to characterise the barriers to the implementation of science-based solutions and propose strategies to overcome them. The working group emphasizes the importance of knowledge co-creation, ensuring research findings directly address a range of policy, societal and ecological needs.


Launched on July 2nd 2024, in Brussels and initially led by SPRINGS and PLANET4HEALTH


Deliverables include policy briefs to enhance research impact, drawing on a survey of cluster members

Next Meeting

Next major meeting is to be held in Brussels in June 2025

Key Output

The key output of the working group is a Policy and Scientific Strategy with associated policy briefs, developed in collaboration with cluster members. To support the creation of this strategy, a survey was designed by the working group leads with the aim of exploring how members incorporate policy impact considerations into the design and conduct of their research, recognizing that generating evidence alone is insufficient for policymaking without actions that ensure its uptake and dissemination. This is particularly important for research addressing issues with significant social and political implications, such as climate change.

The survey is structured around a conceptual framework for research-to-policy translation, organized along multiple dimensions, and informed by best practices in evidence-informed decision-making highlighted in the literature. By capturing insights into how researchers align their work with policy needs to ensure its relevance to decision-making processes, the survey and the strategy supported by it seeks to enhance the understanding of the pathways from research to policy impact within the Planetary Health cluster.

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